Talk to a Counselor 

We would love to connect with you. Please feel free to send us an email or schedule a phone appointment.

Abigail McClellan

Abigail McClellan

Admissions Counselor
Territory: Abilene, Brownwood & San Angelo


Schedule a phone appointment
Ashley Bennett

Ashley Bennett

Admissions Counselor
Territory: Transfers

Schedule a phone appointment
Admissions counselor Garrison Powell.

Garrison Powell

Admissions Counselor
Territory: Houston (Last Name: A-K)

schedule a phone appointment
Hannah Davis

Hannah Davis

Admissions Counselor
Territory: Collin, Grayson, Denton, Wise, Archer, Jack, Clay, Cooke, Montague County, Wichita Falls County

schedule a phone appointment
Jaquelyn Loya

Jaquelyn Loya

Admissions Counselor
Territory: San Antonio, South Texas (Last Name: A-K) & West Coast (CA, OR, WA)

Schedule a phone appointment
Jason White

Jason White

Admissions Counselor 
Territory: East Texas & Eastern U.S.

schedule a phone appointment
John Mark Moudy

John Mark Moudy

Senior Admissions Counselor
Territory: West Texas & Western US 

schedule a phone appointment
Jordan Dale

Jordan Dale

Admissions counselor
Territory: Erath, Hood, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, Tarrant counties (Last Name: L-Z)

Schedule a phone appointment
Macy McAlister

Macy McAlister

Admissions Counselor
Territory:  Dallas, Rockwall, Ellis, and Kaufman counties and Oklahoma

Schedule a phone appointment
Megan Fridge

Megan Mulder

Admissions Counselor
Territory: Houston (Last Name: L-Z)

Schedule a phone appointment
Peter Zellner

Peter Zeller

Admissions Counselor
Territory: Erath, Hood, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, Tarrant Counties (Last Name: A-K)

schedule a phone appointment
Sean Anderson

Sean Anderson

Admissions Counselor
Territory: San Antonio & South Texas (Last Name: L-Z)

Schedule a phone appointment
Tim Ehrhart

Tim Ehrhart

Director of International Admissions

Tunisia Singleton

Tunisia Singleton

Senior Admissions Counselor
Territory: Austin, Central Texas, and Waco

schedule a phone appointment