As you prepare your application for the ACU Master of Athletic Training, you may have questions very similar to those of other applicants. Below are answers to a list of commonly asked questions.

Athletic Training FAQs


How do I apply to the ACU Master of Athletic Training (MAT) program?

You can apply through the  Athletic Training Centralized Application Service (ATCAS).

What if my undergraduate degree is not in Athletic Training?

That’s okay! Students with any undergraduate major can apply.

When will the ACU ATCAS application open for the next cohort?

ATCAS opens each July for students wanting to begin graduate school the following summer. . You can  click here to begin your ATCAS application.

When is the deadline to apply through ATCAS? What if my ATCAS application is not verified by the deadline?

The deadline to apply is May 1. If your application is in progress and is not verified by May 1st, your application may still be reviewed if space is available.

Do I need to submit application documents to ACU, in addition to ATCAS?

No. All application items will be reviewed through the ATCAS portal.

If admitted to ACU, students will submit additional information required for enrollment, such as immunizations, a complete physical, observation hours, etc. See the full list of post-admission requirements by  clicking here.

Is there an ACU application fee?

Yes, the $65 ACU application fee  can be paid here.

How many students are accepted each year?

The ACU MAT accepts 10-15 students in each cohort.

How many observation hours do I need and who should I observe?

A minimum of 50 observation hours should be directly supervised by a certified and licensed Athletic Trainer. Observation hours must be documented and signed by the supervising Athletic Trainer on the  required form and submitted to the MAT Program Director by June 1st. The MAT Program Director can assist you in identifying potential observation opportunities.

What is the average GPA of an admitted student?

The average GPA is a 3.2, however all applications are reviewed holistically.

What are the prerequisite courses for the program?

Prerequisites include: Biology, Chemistry, Human Anatomy (or A&P I), Human Physiology (or A&P II), Physics, Psychology, Exercise Physiology and/or Kinesiology/Biomechanics, Statistics (basic), Nutrition.

Do all of my prerequisites courses need to be completed before the application deadline?

No, prerequisites can be pending when completing the application in ATCAS. However, they must be completed before beginning the ACU MAT program in late June.

How do I know if my classes at my university meet the prerequisite requirements?

Please email Dr. Melissa Long ( with prerequisite review requests.

Is the GRE required for admission?

No, the GRE is not required for admission.

Can I transfer credits to ACU’s MAT from another program?

Credits may be accepted, pending faculty approval.

When will I be notified of my admission status?

The MAT makes rolling admission decisions before and after the application deadline. Students will be notified soon after selecting ACU and completing the application verification process in ATCAS.


When does each new cohort begin?

Each new MAT cohort begins in June.  

What is the program’s accreditation status?

We are currently seeking accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). We will submit a self-study to begin the accreditation process in 2019. We anticipate receiving accreditation in the Spring of 2020. Once accredited, graduates will be eligible to sit for the BOC (National Board of Certification) exam.

The MAT program provides 55 hours of graduate coursework and will qualify graduates to sit for the state of Texas Athletic Training Licensure Exam.

Is a 3 + 2 program offered for ACU undergraduate students?

Yes. The Pre-Athletic Training (KATP) track offers an integrated program that combines 3 years of undergraduate coursework with 2 years of graduate coursework, allowing students to achieve both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 5 years. You can  click here to learn more about the KATP option.

What if I am already Board of Certification (BOC) certified?

You cannot complete a Master of Athletic Training if you have already received BOC certification.

What is the difference between a Licensed Athletic Trainer (LAT) and a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC)?

Individuals with a LAT credential can only practice in the state of Texas. Those with an ATC credential, through the BOC, can apply for licensure in any state that regulates athletic training. They are not limited to practicing athletic training in only one state.

When do students take the BOC exam?

Students take the BOC exam in April of their second year.

What types of clinical experiences are offered?

Each M.A.T. student will have the opportunity to work with multiple sports teams as well as gain traditional clinic setting experience during their 2 years at ACU. Additionally, each student will complete two 4 - 6 week immersion experiential learning experiences where he or she is required to commit all time and effort (no classes during this time) to their experience. Please  click here to view possible clinical education opportunities.

Can I enroll part-time?

No. The MAT only offers full time enrollment.

Can I work while enrolled in the MAT program?

Yes. Courses and clinical placements are offered at different times each semester, so students should seek employment that provides flexibility around those schedules.

What is the cost of tuition?

For cost information, please visit the  Master of Athletic Training website and review the “Degree Details” section.

Are scholarships offered?

Yes. Admitted students will be considered for scholarships on a competitive basis.

Can I meet with the Program Director or attend an Open House?

Yes! Please  click here to learn more about upcoming Open Houses or to schedule a campus visit.


What is Abilene like?

Please click here to learn more about Abilene, TX!